Wow, being a full time wife does take up time that I must learn how to divide and conquer in order to maintain blogs, social networking profiles and so forth.
But in my spare time I have found yet again another excuse for making cupcakes. Hehe. This time it was for a co-worker (my boss to be exact) who is supercool and such a lovely person. She's the kind of person you would want to meet and have in your life because it's rare nowadays to find such a sincere human being who really does care if you had a bad day. Anyway, this was for her birthday and I stayed up till 3 am making these so it would be ready for work the next day or a couple hours later.
I would've gone bold red and bold everything but my frosting and food coloring did not permit me to do so. I was disappointed at first but then looked at it on the bright side...they do look great as Easter cupcakes or just "Summer Fun" colors that would be prominent during this time of year.
I used regular confetti cake mix with white fluffy frosting. Next time I think I will try and add M&Ms to the batter and see how that turns out. Overall it was quite the office hit and by the end of the day I had empty pans/trays to take home which made me very happy. One less cupcake is a couple calories less to think about. I really can't resist cupcakes.
Well enjoy and I hope you have a great week! Happy August!
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